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This section links to past issues of our newsletters. The Investment Review highlights activity and financial market analysis for each quarter of the year. The Monthly Insight communiqués are intended to deliver timely and thought provoking investment knowledge and financial market data.

Investment Review

Q2 2024
A weak global economy is being offset largely by declining inflation and easing financial conditions which has had the effect...
Q1 2024
That swooshing sound investors hear is stock markets around the world zooming upward in Q1 2024. Over the past quarter,...
Q4 2023
As the world continues to navigate past the long shadow of COVID, there is less uncertainty than we have had...
Q3 2023
Faced with soaring inflation and one of the steepest interest rate hike cycles in history, investors have been bracing for...
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Monthly Insight

What Will Lead? July 2024
History never repeats itself in exactly the same way but similarities exist, especially in the timing of economic events or...
Too Little but Not Too Late June 2024
As the global economy struggles to find its way, investors can benefit from a little perspective. Investing can be both...
Gold Anyone? May 2024
Gold as an investment has had a chequered history in modern times. Gold does well when monetary and fiscal policies...
Fabulous First Quarter and for the Year? April 2024
The theme for 2024 has been so far, so good. Investors cannot complain about how the Canadian stock market has...
See All Monthly Insights

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